To achieve a good extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), it is necessary to follow a rigorous process. From cultivation to harvesting at the optimal ripening moment, olive preservation, transportation, and transformation in the mill within the shortest possible time. This meticulous process guarantees an oil with maximum quality aroma and flavor. That’s why, since we decided to incorporate an olive oil mill into our facilities in 1999, we have prioritized the training and awareness of farmers about the importance of olive cultivation.
For the oil production process, we have advanced, exclusively mechanical or physical production systems, and strict control and quality criteria that allow us to offer a product with intense flavor, color, and various aromas.
We offer bulk shipping or packaging in glass, tin, or PET containers, ranging from 40cl to 5l.
Among our oils, you can find a small quantity of highly valued oil by specialists and gastronomic experts or gourmets, first cold-pressed oil, similar to “oil in branch,” the essence of “authentic olive juice.”
We also process organic extra virgin olive oil from our partners’ estates.
Southeast of Spain, 45 km from Murcia towards Andalusia via the Mediterranean Highway. TOTANA (Region of Murcia), towards Totana center, 350 m from exit No. 611 of the Mediterranean Highway